What new roles and responsibilities do you have now that you’re in high school?

     What new roles and responsibilities do you have now that you’re in high school? Since I have became a high schooler I now have many responsibilities then compared to middle schooler. Some of the responsibilities I now have included more chores and harder chores. I now am responsible for gathering fire wood I also have to feed more animals. I am responsible for caring for my house keys for now I have more time home alone then  I used too. I am responsible for caring for the pets of my house I also have started working and my parents truly trust me.

What is the most important relationship in your life right now? Why is that person so special to you?

     What is the most important relationship in your life right now?  Why is that person so special to you? The most important relationship in my life right now would be with my mother and father. They each have given me so much, they have given me a vast amount of knowledge, my father teach’s me how to be a better and hard working man who can take care of himself. My mother teach’s me how I should love and work hard at school and to always study. As you can see this is the reason why they are so important to me.  

If you could change anything about your first year in high school what would it be and why?


If you could change anything about your first year in high school what would it be and why? If there was one thing I could change about this year of high school it would never watching Black Panther I believe this movie was a waste my oh so important time. In this time I could have been working on brick sheets for Mrs.Turner or studying for Mrs.Turner’s test. So I have to say the plot of the movie wasn’t that great either it was decent at best. I was very underwhelmed, also the fans seem to like this joke of the marvel movie making me very upset.