The Mixtape Of My Life

Most of my songs on my mixtape would be just funny and kinda of silly songs. My First songs would be every song by Imagine Dragons I have liked them for awhile, they have gained a lot of new fans thought. The next couple would be old songs like Cherry Pie and Pour some Sugar on Me. My absolute favorite song would be Ocean Man by ween the song it self is Magic your teleported to a world that is safe and the cover art is a creature made of other ocean creatures. That’s what would be on the mixtape of my life.

My First Crush

My very first crush was Emma Watson I first saw her on Harry Potter And The Sorcerer’s Stone. I really like her red hair, her eyes were cute I remember I first read the Harry Potter book then one night I walked in on my Dad watching the first movie and I googled the actors and she was the third actor listed. Her acting in the first movie was ok but her and most of the kids acting got better with each and every movie. Looking back on it now the reason I liked her so much is problaly just Harry Potter.